Usage-Based Pricing: How Finance Teams Need to Adapt & Lead

Usage-Based Pricing is being adopted by more and more leading SaaS companies to put revenue growth, product value, and customer value on the same measuring stick. Doing it right takes company-wide execution, just ask your finance and operations teams who must make the business model work.

In this webinar, we were joined by, Mark Sachleben, CFO of New Relic which is the first public company to make this shift, and Kyle Poyar, Partner at Openview Venture Partners and a thought leader in Product Led Growth.

Some topics you can expect to learn about:

  • What usage-based pricing is and how to determine if it's right for your business
  • How it changes management and reporting of revenue, sales compensation, customer retention, cash flow, the finance tech stack, and more
  • Real-world examples of how companies like New Relic are adapting to the new model and the critical role of finance